History Section


The History section is one of the oldest at the Catholic University. Since 1970 it groups more than fifty professors, specialists in Peruvian, Latin American and universal history who offer dozens of courses to the university's faculties and institutes.

The strength of the History section is based on the constant search and analysis of historical documents carried out by its members, as well as their publications and participation in various national and international academic events.

The History section offers General Studies, Undergraduate and Graduate students a wide range of teaching, management and research tools, with special emphasis on the analysis of historical documents, information management, archival science and intellectual and interdisciplinary dialogue. In addition, the History section publishes the prestigious journal Histórica, one of the most important in the academic world, every six months.

The members of the History section of the Department of Humanities work in private and private universities, schools, research centers, publishing houses, print and broadcast media, and consulting firms. They also carry out private research funded by grants, awards or directly.


The Section's coordinator for the Department of Humanities is Professor Iván Hinojosa.